Arlene Davila's work: Latinos, Inc. explores marketing to Latinos in the United States.
The most significant detail to me was that how marketers consider Latinos as one homogeneous group with identical cultural traits. These traits then are dispersed by the media to the public, who inadvertently falls into the easy way out: stereotypical assumptions of Latinos.
As such, the notion that all Latinos are "conservative, family-oriented people who ate a lot, didn’t
venture outside of their neighborhood, and were overzealous about their
own nationality" may not even be true; at least, they are not true for all Latin people. It is even more controversial when considering that "Latinos" are not at all homogenous as most of them are mestizos. They are of several origins: Spaniards or other Europeans and native American Indians; or African blacks and native American Indians; or Asians and American Indians, and any variations thereof. Therefore it is erroneous to put them under one hat as one generic race.
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